I'm Aja, pronounced Asia.
I'm up front, straight up, and honest.
I'm very shy, yet very talkative.
I smile and laugh 24/7.
Sometimes i laugh so hard i piss muhslef.
I might even make you piss yaself, i think i'm somewhat funny..
I'm very sarcastic.
I'm a country girl
I'm me you're you, let's keep it that way.
If you don't like me, i really don't care.
I'm a complicated person, but i'm super easy to get along with.
I don't think i'm pretty, but i think my personality makes me pretty.
I can't spell worth a darn.
Family Guy is the shit.
I don't use the efff word, hardly ever.
My grammar sucks.
Music is air to me, i need it to breathe.
*The scene Aesthestic
*A day to Remember
*Bob Marley
*The Cranberries
and soooo much more.
I believe in God 100%
My hobbies include:
-pho tography
-family and friends
-SIMS 3!
I loooveee!
-tattoos (i have two)
-pircings(3 in each ear)
-my dogs
-my kitty cat
-my horse
-video games
-life in general
I laugh during awkward situations
I get overexcited over small things
I'm not a bitch
I'm not a slut
I'm just me