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Looking for a soulmate

   - 45 y/o female
   - Hudson, USA
   - English, English, English
   - Journalism
   - Have no children
   - E-Mail or ID: 40588
Sex female
State FL
Children 0
Want children Yes
Date of birth 1979 - September - 1
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Average
Ethnicity African American
Marital status Single
Education BA/BS (4 years college)
Income I prefer not to say
Smoker No
Drinker No
Skype Status Get Skype
Who I'm Looking For
I look for a male
Looking for an age range 25 -  70
Looking for a height I prefer not to say
Looking for a body type I prefer not to say
Relationship Activity Partner, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance, Casual, Travel Partner, Pen Pal
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votes: 15

About Me:
I never thought I'd be sitting here writing my life out on the for all to see, but I thought it would be a fun way to maybe meet a friend. I like to do anything but sit at home. I'm always on the go, love the night life and the people I meet along the way. I like to entertain a crowd, especially a drinking crowd. (People are funny when you're the one who is sober.)I don't like clingy or judgemental people. Anybody with those characteristcs need a life of their own. I get excited when someone has the same interests as me. Sometimes it's hard to find company with someone who has more than a high school freshmen vocabulary. I love animals and have hope that someone will save the ones that are hurt or homeless. I like reading and writing, singing, dancing, and my favorite show is 'Chatting and Meeting nice new friend'. Something about the single independent Manhattan career woman makes me have hope for the rest of us smart women everywhere else. That pretty much sums up who I am and what I'm all about.

Who I'd Like to Meet:
There really isn't a particular person I'm looking for. I just need someone I can carry a conversation with that doesn't end up cocky or embaressing. I like guys with spontinuity, not too picky, not shy at all. I want someone who understands my jokes and makes me laugh at his. I need an intellegent person that surprises me with witty remarks in a discussion but doesn't depend on anyone but himself. So, no one living off their parents unless you're in school, trying to get by! If you have any of those qualitites, please enlighten me.


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