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Make Me smile.......I'll do the rest!
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   - 45 y/o male
   - Springfield, USA
   - English, English, English
   - Have no children
   - E-Mail or ID: 21266
Sex male
State GA
Children 0
Want children Yes
Date of birth 1979 - June - 26
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Athletic
Ethnicity Mixed
Marital status Single
Education Some college
Income I prefer not to say
Smoker No
Drinker Rarely
Skype Status Call LionHeart
Who I'm Looking For
I look for a female
Looking for an age range 21 -  37
Looking for a height I prefer not to say
Looking for a body type Athletic
Relationship Activity Partner, Friendship, Relationship, Romance, Casual, Pen Pal
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votes: 1

About Me:
Well, let's see; I'm new at this...well rounded person, carefree. I like cool headed individuals around me, mild tempered, well mannered, a little smarts, classie, but not too flashy, confident but not cocky! Spontaneounous is nice but not outlandish, (just sprinkle'em a little bit of seasoning from time to time if you will) I love to do new things as long as I'll remember what I did the next morning! Wink ..........for more you know where to find me! Very Happy

Who I'd Like to Meet:
Just be you and I'll be me........ Razz The girl I'm looking for doesn't have to be a perfect ten. Just average like me! (blonde,brunet, redhead, jetblack, auburn) I mean I'm kind'a like this; don't be surprised if I call you up and be like, "Hey love, why don't you bring those sexy long legs and that pretty long hair of your's on by here and scoop up your man so we can go knock down a few pins at the alley and then catch a night cap at Red Lob and then I spend the rest of the evening watching you smile!" I'm a realist, if you say that you're a die-hard basketball-player/fan, don't be surprised if I want to play one on one with you about twice a week. (it helps keep us in shape and I love doing fun things with my girl!) If you say you like to work out, don't fall down if I ask you to start coming to the gym with me?????? You know what I mean. If you say you like playing new games and board games and what not, don't be surprised if I wake up in the middle of the night and I say, 'Baby, are you sleepy? Me, neigther, you wann'a play some dominoes with me, or,'I feel like chess tonight......Oh you don't know do you, well I think it's time that I taught cha!" Yeah? Well if you're intrigued by anything you just read, contact me please, cause I'm miserable lonely but I'm ready for a very open and compatible relationship. No brains, no gain! No energy, you already missed me! No, laughter, there's no room for joy! So, Miss right, come on a journey with a gentlemen like myself! Laughing


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