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LMC's Blog


TOOL 10,000 DAYS

Filed under: Posts — LMC @ 11:50:36 am

Ok... here's the thing... I'm a huge TOOL fan! A few years ago they came to Seattle and I got tickets- well, one of my friends was going with me and on the way was in a car accident... the accident was not far from where I was waiting for her so I ran to the scene- jumping a median and running across four lanes of high way traffic. When I got there she was sore and shaken up, but ok- so I insisted we go to the show anyway- so we were given a police escort to the show!
About two weeks ago I heard that TOOL was coming to Seattle again, but this time it was going to be at the Paramount Theater (great venue- very small and intimate) on the same day that they were releasing their first album in 5 years! I knew I had to be there! On the day the tickets went on sale I waited in line for hours along with fellow TOOL buddies... they did a raffle and I was 13th in line to purchase tickets- well, the show sold out in 8 seconds and only the first person in line where I was got tickets! So, yesterday was the day of the show- I was so bummed all day- but at least I got a new TOOL album- not good enough! I made a sign and headed into the city- determined to see the show! Adam (my bf) and I stood outside, in the cold for hours- holding the sign hoping that someone would decide that they could part with their tickets for money... we were willing to pay up to $400... on Ebay the tickets were anywhere from $500-$1200! People continually passed- some with looks of encouragement- some with pitty- others didn't even seem to know we were there... I did see a couple that I went to high school with- I couldn't believe they were still together! Well, about 5 minutes after I saw that couple they came walking up to Adam and I and said, "We decided that you two probably want these tickets much more than we do... do you want them?" They asked us for $30 per ticket- we gave them $140 instead! Can you believe it! I hugged and thanked both of them several times! That was the most amazing show! Maynard came out in tight jeans, huge belt buckle, no shirt and sporting his Mohawk! Wonderful show! Perfect venue! Great sound! They played a little of all of their songs and rocked the house!
I learned two very valuable lesson yesterday: Always be nice to people- you never know when they are going to offer you kick-ass TOOL tickets because you went to high school together & never give up- be as persistent as hell- because it's bound to pay off!


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