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prplcat's Blog


Day two

Filed under: Posts — prplcat @ 02:14:02 pm

Well I'm almost through my second day and have met a few more people. Carebear30 still figures prominently in to my thoughts, as she is one of the nicest person I have ever met. She is funny, attentive, and loves her children more then life itself which is a huge plus in my book. Marina has also contacted me again and let me know how things in Russia are. Very interesting stuff, makes me very proud to be an American! Still there are people on here looking for just the normal screwing around stuff, which I would have loved 10yrs ago but am a little old for now. For the most part everyone I have spoke to have been great and I hope we will all remain friends.

Day One

Filed under: Posts — prplcat @ 09:14:33 am

Well this is my first full day on here and I have meet some very nice and interesting people. Some of the people on here are no different then then other places, but for the most part I meet generally friendly and nice people. I met one very nice girl (carebear30) that I think we will be great friends, maybe more who knows. She Is a terrific girl from what I see though and if she doesn't choose me she will make someone a very happy man.I met one girl from Russia which was a real trip as she gave me some incite to a totally different world. All in all it was a wonderful first day!

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