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Don't Mess with Texas

Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 06:03:11 pm

Coming live to you from the Marriot hotel in beautiful downtown Austin, Texas it's this week's edition of Cats and Dogs. I'm at SXSW this week which if you don't know what it is well, it's like the biggest music festival in the country. Maybe the world? Highlights were staying with my Dutch buddies, Cali and Bryan letting me sleep on their floor when I first got in, all the cool writers from across the country, sweet fist fight at the Saviours show, Vice Party, Arthur Party, all the day parties BBQ, bands, beer, and getting to see my brother Dean and Sue from Sub Pop.

And now we'll get back to reality and give my liver a bit of break with some of this week's questions.

How can you feel personally successful and yet still 'need' someone else in your life? Can you ever feel 'whole' alone? - Shannon

Well, I think Lindz and I will probably disagree here, but I don't think you need anyone else to feel whole. A lot of people think that you just fall in love with someone because you can't help it. Of course I've been in love before but it doesn't change the fact that I need to feel happy alone before I can love someone else.

There are a lot of people that get themselves in shitty situations because of "Love." Whether it's working at a crappy job to stay near someone or getting pregnant early in life. In my opinion best way to go about life is to figure out what makes you happy before you get into a serious relationship. We've all made our mistakes in life, but you have to learn from them and follow your goals. My idea of success is to be happy with what you're doing in regardless of how much money you make or if anyone else gives a shit. I think once you reach this level of personal success then you're relationships will be that much stronger. Sometimes you have to bang a lot of chicks in the process though. That's just part of growing up.

Why are some people just plain mean? - Teddy

People are mean because other people ask annoying questions. Take me for example. Perfectly nice guy. But if you act like a dummy around me then I tend to get mean. I have a short temper when I feel like someone isn't paying attention or just doesn't care. This last part comes from my father. One of the things I wasn't allowed to say while growing up was "I don't care." Some people are so passive and meek that they can't even understand why someone would be angry with them. Well it's because you're
acting stupid. Ignorance is fine. What bothers me is when people are ignorant and just don't give a fuck. If I ask you a question and you don't know the answer don't act like it's my fault. I hate it when people say stuff like "well I don't pay attention to the news" or they say that they like every type of music, but can't name an album by any of their "favorite bands." I'm not saying it's ok to be mean. I always feel really bad when I'm mean to someone and I apologize as soon as I can. It'll save you and the people around you a lot of grief to just be nice. This probably isn't answering your question very well and I'm assuming that people have probably been mean to you in the past. I'd ask myself. Am I an
ignorant jackass? You might be. Do I annoy others around me? You probably do. In that case next time someone is being mean to you ask them why? It might help you understand.

Was that mean? Now I feel bad.

Topic of the week: What is the meanest thing you have done to someone or have had done to you in a relationship?

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