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Lost Loves

Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 08:10:28 pm

Hey Guys,

I have a problem. Big Surprise. Anyway here's the deal. My boyfriend and I own a house and have been living together for 3 years now. The relationship is good, but I have to admit that I'm feeling kind of bored with him lately. Sometimes I feel that if we went to counseling or if we try to work things out that I might change my mind. The real problem is that I just got an e mail from an old boyfriend last week. He said that he will be in town next month and wants to see me. This is a guy that I always felt was my soul mate and makes me feel the way I wish that my current boyfriend did. Do you think I should try to work things out with the current one, go for the old flame or what? I'm really confused here.


Ok it sounds more like you have a few problems. First why do you own a house with someone that you aren't married to? I don't think you should even think about living with someone unless you plan to spend the rest of your life with them. The paperwork alone sounds like a nightmare. As hard as it's gonna be there is really only one answer here. Break up with your boyfriend. No amount of counseling or trying to change your mind will ever help you love him again. It's over so you're just gonna have to move on.

That's actually easier in a way then the lost love scenario. For some reason the lost love attraction can be stronger years later then even the first time you meet someone. Maybe it's a bit of the absence makes the heart grow fonder or this suspended reality that things were better back then. The truth is that you've just forgot the reason you broke up with this person in the first place. Whether it was your's or their doing. I'm suspicious of lost loves getting in contact with you. The majority of the time they have probably just gotten out of a relationship and are contacting you only because they are lonely themselves.

Have lunch with the guy. You will anyway. But be cautious as to why he wants to see you again. Maybe you're better off on your own right now.

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