Dear Jed and Lindsey,
A friend of mine recently started dating a guy that she met online through a dating website. I have had what I would consider normal and healthy relationships in the past, but I would be into trying something new. I am scared of the unknown as so I am wondering if there are any reasons I should not date someone that I meet online.
Well Sarah this could very well turn into a commercial for this website but since you guys are already reading this you must already know the score.
First I will say that I have never hooked up with someone online. I do know a lot of people who have and the only problems they have run into are the same ones you would have meeting somebody at a grocery store. It is a great way to communicate and I have made dates with people I know through e mail. It actually helps take away some of the pressure of a phone call or asking someone out in person. That delete button comes in very handy before sending someone an email.
Basically there are not any reasons why you should not got out with someone you met online. We are in the midst of a technological revolution. Everything is faster and more efficient these days and dating shouldnt be any different. Being afraid of online dating is akin to be scared to go on a date in a car in the early 20th century. I would say just go for it and use the same precautions you would for any other type of dating.