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Straight Up


Bom Dia

Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 08:42:52 am

So first I just wanted to say sorry for not posting sooner. I´m basically here in Portugal in this very small town writing from their one computer. It´s in the post office by the way. I´ll make sure to have another one up by monday as i´m going back to Lisbon where things are a bit more civilized.

Also it seems some people are pissed off about not getting chosen to write for the website. I know its important to a lot of you so if youre pissed send me a message and we can talk about it. Theres no need to attack the other members on the site.

And as far as the last column, ill just say that some of things i find funny may not appeal to everyone else. I wont apologize for that. The point is to get people talking and youre all doing a very fine job of that.

I want this site to be fun and interesting for everyone myself included. I think Having a woman on here as well will be just what we need. I know that I need a little help.

So for something a little more safe and probably a little more in context with the website, Ill just give you a little run down on some of the things ive noticed on this side of the pond.

I´ve only been to europe a couple times, but i´ve found that getting to know women is completely different in each counrty. This may be pretty obvious to most of you but it was not for me. I remember my good friend from Amsterdam telling me about Belgians being very difficult to work with. Apparently they were not very straight forward when it comes to doing business with them. These words were repeated in my head after a 5 hour drive to Antwepen with a belgina girl i had met in Rotterdam. After a night of drinking and talking i was sent home at 9 in the morning. And by home I mean a 3 hour train ride back to Amsterdam to catch my flight.

As far as dating goes in Portugal it seems very different then the States. In some ways kids grow up much faster here like going to the bars and staying out all night with their friends. They even have a special beer here for kids called Super Bock Green. It taste like shitty 7 Up.

But from talking to a lot of the men here they feel very frustrated by the women. It seems like kids in that states are having sex younger and younger all the time, but most of the women here wait til 18 or so to lose their virginity. Like I said Ive been to Holland as well and its similar to the US in that women are a lot more open about their sexuality. The main problem for these dudes in Portugal as I see it is that a lot of women love Latin men. Its just a fact. Look at Ricky Martin whose gay and that other dude that nailed Jennifer Lopez. Women go nuts for these dudes. So basically you have all these good looking Portuguese dudes who are frustrated because they have to marry a girl to get laid. Maybe that´s why Portugal is famous for its explorers.

Anyway my point is to ask you guys that through your travels where have you found best places in the world to hook up?

I Hope everyone is doing well and I ask you to please try not to hurt my feelings this week.

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