Merkins (that's pubic wigs to you)
Couple things first. We only have about a week left to decide who the female blogger will be so keep up the good work and keep writing. The responses and ideas have all been really cool so far. Plus it totally makes me so hot when you tell me what a pig I am.
Also well be changing the name of the column once we hire somebody to fill the spot. Im not asking for submissions but its just a little heads up so you get confused and say hmm where did that Jed dude go with his column about Paula Abdul.
My last column got an interesting response from Sparkleplenty about her boyfriend wearing a hair piece and not telling her about it. It was totally off topic but it was so funny that I responded too it anyway. You can scroll down to last weeks post and read it. Real quick have you ever dated a guy that wore a hairpiece. I can’t imagine actually being able to pull that off without telling your partner. I mean it took Jennifer Anniston a few years to find out about Brad’s tiny vagina that he cleans with a q-tip but she still found out.
That leads to this weeks topic. Its more of a question then anything else because honestly I don’t know the answer.
Is it ever ok to lie to someone that youre in a committed relationship with. I go back and forth on this all the time. Sometimes I think that if you get drunk and cheat on your girlfriend (not that I ever have) but you know in your heart that you won’t do it again then whats the point in telling her. Can you live with the guilt. Obviously if youve never done anything worth lying about then its not a problem. But should you always fess up to cheating. Does the truth always come out. Should you tell your girlfriend you wear a Merkin for sanitary reasons. So many questions.
Lets discuss this one as a class.