I'll Have What She's Having...Twice!
Did you know that Brazil has a national Orgasm Day? We should all move there I reckon. What a great way to elevate sex to the status it deserves and not keep it all quiet and under the rug....Sex....er...rug...mmm...now there's an idea. Where was I? My imagination's running away with me....Mmmm...A fireplace... a great bottle of red...the man of my dreams......I'm all-a-tingle. Blog! Blog! Write your blog! A small town northeast of Rio De Janeiro declared May 9 (I can't wait...only 50 days to go, but who's counting?) official Orgasm Day. Yay and hooray!
What I wanna know is, why is it designed to improve relationships between 'married' couples. I was so elated about the Orgasm Day idea 'cos it's so liberated, so open-minded, so new millennium, and then they go and restrict it to married couples. No matter, I'm gonna ignore that bit. Orgasms are not the sole privilege of the wedded, nor should they be restricted to involving two people. We all know damn good orgasms can be a solo affair. Variety is the spice of life. And speaking of spices, imagine if we had only one type - say turmeric. How boring would the world be without cumin, curry and chilli? While I'm all for good, committed marriages and turmeric, us singles have the added pleasure-producing advantages of choice and variety.
Orgasm Day celebrations include a series of panel discussions by sexologists and a presentation of Eve Ensler's play "The Vagina Monologues." While that's all well and good, HOW BLOODY BORING! Perhaps all of us Friendsationers can make it a tad more exciting by planning for May 9 from now and ensuring we have as many, multiple and magnificent orgasms lined up for that day as possible. Talk about it with your friends, contact ex's if necessary, find new potential orgasm partners ideally. If you've got no one lined up, don't despair and go solo. Here's to cumin, curry and chilli.
I reckon if I suggested a National Orgasm Day to our PM, John Howard, those conservative eyebrows would knit together in a disapproaving frown that would never untangle.
What is it about orgasms that makes them so damn good?