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Filed under: Posts — JPatt @ 05:04:15 pm

J Patt is back and better than ever. Or, wait, I'm pretty much the same. I suppose there are a few changes-- my hair has gotten longer and sexier, my tan has faded some, I've lost my voice, and I'm completely fluent in German (what? like it's hard?)

I flew in last night. The whole getting-back to the US part actually took 36 hours, but that's another story-- one involving two very confusing Frankfurts, a smelly ticket clerk, and many Germans wearing socks with their sandals. Oh God, the socks with sandals... more on that story later.

Right, so when I got back I had to buy a pack of my faves (pack of my favorite gum that is-- the turquoise Orbit), and as I did so I overheard the conversation of two American sorority girls. Like me, they had also just returned from Europe. One exclaimed, "Oh look what happened while we were gone!" Then the other gasped, "Jessica Simpson and Jared Letto? Oooh em gee!" Yes, they actually said Oh-em-gee.

Like the two ditzes before me, I also could not wait to catch myself up. As soon as I got home I glued myself to the recorded episodes of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Well, I won't go as far as to say that checking up on news satire is better than squealing over celebrity gossip (why state the obvious?), but I think we can conclude that I'm no American ditz. (Actually, the smelly German ticket clerk might argue otherwise. But who knew there were two separate cities named Frankfurt? Like I said, more on that later.)

Anyway, lucky for you I have kept a pen-and-paper journal of EVERY SINGLE DAY of my Germany + Holland + Belgium + Austria adventure. I plan to recount to you bits of these entries over the next week or so. Of course I will not ramble about the tedious details of boring history museums or anything. What do you take me for? A history major?

Right now I'm already three strong martinis into my night (and it's only 7:15... oh god). My boyfriend and I are exchanging sarcastic insults and laughing at one another, or mostly he's just laughing at me. In fact, he's kinda being an asshole, which is uncharactiristic of him. To add to it all, you'd think that a reunion between boyfriend-girlfriend after nearly a month apart would be one of extreme joy and amazing sex. Oh no, no no. Fuck no.

Sadly my boyfriend's libido is a fraction of my own, so our time together usually consists of me trying to fuck him and him complaining about soreness or lameness or tiredness. You'd think he wasn't attracted to me-- like I'd gained weight in Europe or developed a nasty rash. Well, I will happily announce that neither of the two have occurred. I'm still as great as ever. Me and Bee may have to go buy vibrators to solve this problem.

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