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junito's Blog


Nice people ?

Filed under: Posts — junito @ 06:26:10 am

Sometimes I wonder, is there any body being truthful on their profile? Can you really believe these people when they say they are fiendly,out going,fun love to meet new people. If so, why don't I meet these people in the street ? Most people you meet on the street are a bunch of ass holes. Don't you agree ? If you don't agree your one of them. Why can't people be nice these days ? What's so hard about saying thank you ? Or please, excuse me and stuff like that. Not too many people out there with manners, thats for damn sure. I guess the people I meet on the street aren't the same people I meet on the net, I hope not. By the way I'm looking for a nice girlfriend. Do you know anyone ?


my first blog so don't be cruel

Filed under: Posts — junito @ 03:12:04 pm

Thanks for taking out some time out of your life just to read about little old me. My name is Jose, tats all I'm going to admit to ,for know. The rest believe it or don't. I was born and raised in NEW YORK. The GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD. Well maybe I went a little over the top there. Yeah that what you would belive if you never lived in NEW YORK CITY. You damn fool. NEW YORK IS THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD!! Fooled you. Sorry I like to mess around like that. If you knew me you would already have known that I was just kidding. But you don't know me so you don't know if I was just kidding. But, believe me it was only a joke. The jokes on you for not knowing if I'm kidding or not. Well now I live in Puerto Rico. My life sucks now. Can you believe this shit ,theres no subways in Puerto Rico. that sucks. How do these people get around ? I have no freaking idea. Your guess is as good as mine. I moved to Puerto Rico way back in 1977 when I was just 16 years old. It's o.k. I have been back and forth to the U.S.A. Thank God ! If not i would go crazy. My parents are old now and I just don't have the heart to leave them. I have 3 brothers I'm the oldest. 2 of my brothers live in Ohio. And I live in this sorry ass island with my parents. I am very sorry if you love Puerto Rico and feel that I shouldn't be saying these things about Puerto Rico. You should try living here for a change, you'll change your mind faster than j lo changes her husbands. And that's no bullshit. My first blog don't be cruel.

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