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our fucked up past

Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:57:26 am

Our Past

Just kill me now
Make it fast
I dont want it to last
Dont ask me why
For you should know
Since you are the cause

I know in the past
I was kind of harsh
But you know people can change
Just like the ice in your glass
I know I still sleep in class
But I swear I can explain
And its not because of the beer glass
This is who I am
I wish I could change our past
But thats another pain in the ass
I wish I could sit in first class
And sip beer out of a pretty glass
I know I can be a smart ass
And if you dont like it
Thats your loss
If youre ever harassed
Just come to me
And I can put them in a body caste
For our past doesnt matter anymore
Our past is like a book, the words on the page stay the same no matter how hard you look

to janiet from ann sorry

Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:55:01 am

DearAnyone, 5/4/06 6:55pm

The grass is green and the sky is blue. I love your grin and guess who I am? Im the shadow that follows in your foot steps. You never really see me. But yes, I am really here. I know you havent forgotten me. And yes I still remember who you are. I remember everything youve ever done to me and everything I have ever done to you. Yes, I forgive you, no it wasnt my fault. It was you, all you.

Sincerely, Ann Newcomb

in thought of my father

always there till now

Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:51:45 am

You Were Always There
Whenever I needed someone to talk to,
You were always there,
My eyes filled with tears and my heart filled with pain,
And you were always there,
There was no time when I had a doubt to come to you because you were always there.
I could see in your eyes that you wanted to help and that you really cared. Whenever I was down and blue, you were always there. No matter what my problems were or what was wrong, you were always there.
But now your gone and I dont know what to do, so I close my eyes and think of you and how you were always there.
Can you hear me now? At night I pray and I speak to you. I guess you were right when you said no matter how far away you were, you would always be there. Even though it hurts to look at the pictures and great memories of you, one thing I will always say is that you were always there.
by my best friend Christie Tungate in memory of her cuz that got killed in a car crash


Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:46:51 am

This is shit, just shit
Im going express my feeling
And if you dont want to here it, leave
This is what I like to do
I come home and write about my life
How fucked up it is
And everything that is good
I like to get high and pop pills
And by now youve heard enough
But you havent
Thats just the beginning
I also slit my wrists and drink
And Im only 16
I live in the projects
And I can get any drug you want
In less than 5 minuets
This world is fucked up
I shouldnt know this
This isnt right
Ill just blame it on my parents

the guy

Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:44:24 am

When we met I was kind of shy
But youre just another guy
To dry my eyes
I ask you why
With a sigh
Why you try and get high
I just want to say good-bye
But I miss the way you make me cry
Dont ask me why
For I havent a clue
As the days pass
I wish you would drop by
You are why I apply myself to fly
I ask myself why you lie
In April, May, June and July
I love your style
And the way you smile
I cant see why my mom thinks
Youre such a bad guy
I gotta have you like my cherry pie

how will i end up

Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:42:44 am

How will I end up?
Will I end up like my mom and dad?
Will I end up like my brother?
Or like my best friends parents
How will I end up?
Does anyone know?
I dont want to end up like any of these people
But every where I go
The same kinds of people follow
How will I end up?
Will I end up in a mansion?
Or a trailer?
Will I end up with a pot head?
Or someone I dont really like
Will I end up with someone that I love?
And be with them forever
How will I end up?
I dont know how I will end up
Maybe Ill be a star
Maybe I will draw a check
Does anyone out there know how I will end up?
I ask you
How will I end up?


Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:37:21 am

I roll my joint
I slit my wrists
I snort my pills
I drink all day
I hate myself
And everyone else

Im going crazy
Someone save me
Blood pours down my wrists
Tears fall to the ground

The razor cuts my pain away
The whiskey blacks my history out
The pills make me walk funny
And the weed makes me happy

And I only smile when youre around
Everyone says I look depressed
Everyone says Im not doing as well as I was
Every one says Ill kill myself soon
Everyone says

Please some one make me happy
Please some one make me smile
Please someone make me laugh
Please some one listen to me!

at the moment

Filed under: Posts — sexyroxy @ 12:35:02 am

I loved someone
And they betrayed me
I thought I knew everything about them
But I guess I really didnt
I should have been more careful with my feelings
It really hurts me when I love someone and they lie
I guess next time around Ill be sure to know the person
This is really hard for me to figure out
I wish someone else could pick my special person for me
Sometimes I feel Ill never find him
But I really know I will
Maybe not as soon as I hope though
This all really sucks for me
I guess you dont really care how I feel though
But Im telling you anyways
You dont have to really listen
But please pretend you are
It really hurts to know someone isnt listening
Like you
Like I said this all really sucks for me
Even if you dont really care
This is how I feel at the moment
So please just listen to what I have to say
This all really sucks for me at the moment
But maybe not tomorrow

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